Pilates and Personal Training

Deb and Mischa smile for the camera outside of InsideOut Body Therapies.
Pilates clients kneel on the Pilates Cadillac and lean back while holding the bar.
A Pilates client steps up onto the Pilates Low Chair. Ashely holds out a hand for balance.

About Pilates

Pilates is a system of therapeutic exercises originally developed in the 1920s by Joseph H. Pilates. These exercises are designed to stretch, strengthen, and balance the whole body with an emphasis on the breath, mindfulness, alignment, and coordinated flowing movement.
InsideOut Body Therapies offers a range of training and teaching perspectives in Pilates instruction with Third and Fourth Generation Instructors. In addition to the in-depth foundation of Classical Pilates, our instructors are highly trained in an array of therapeutic and somatic approaches along with other contemporary approaches to the Pilates system. Be sure to check out our Staff page for additional information on our instructors and their backgrounds.

Pilates Benefits

As a comprehensive movement system, Pilates can be individually tailored to meet your needs and goals for overall fitness and well-being, athletic training, rehabilitation, or pain management. At InsideOut Body Therapies, Pilates exercises can be modified to meet the needs of almost anyone – no matter age or fitness level. Our staff has years of experience working with many different body types and specific client needs or goals, including:

  • Increased fitness
  • Overall tone and body shaping
  • Better strength and flexibility
  • Stress reduction
  • Experiencing the joy of a fun and invigorating workout
  • Improved sports performance (especially golf, tennis, basketball, running, swimming, and biking)
  • Pre- and post-natal fitness and rehabilitation
  • Low back pain management
  • Pre- and post-surgical rehabilitation
  • Organ transplant recipient and donor fitness and rehabilitation
  • Chronic pain management

Bridging Pilates and Physical Therapy to a Mindful Movement Practice

Back to Health Program at InsideOut Body Therapies

What is the Back to Health Program?

The Back to Health (BTH) Program includes sessions, workshops, classes and Community for clients transitioning from physical therapy to an independent movement program. Classes are small in size and structured to provide clients a safe and supported environment. Instructors provide an adaptable sequence of mindful exercises that emphasize core strengthening, joint health, and overall flexibility that can support individuals’ fitness and wellness goals. Techniques drawn from a variety of somatic practices are used to teach body awareness and to strengthen healthy movement patterns while empowering participants to move – literally and figuratively – back to health.

Who can participate in the Back to Health (BTH) sessions, classes and workshops?

All are welcome! Participants do not have to begin with Physical Therapy in order to enroll in these sessions, classes or workshops. BTH sessions and workshops can also serve as preparation for traditional Pilates equipment and floor classes at InsideOut Body Therapies. The sessions are grounded in Pilates principles and also integrate other movement modalities and techniques (e.g., yoga fundamentals, light weight training, fit ball exercises).

Participants will gain experience in the Pilates system, preparing them for other class offerings at InsideOut Body Therapies. The goal of the Back to Health Program is to empower clients with healthy movement options to do anytime, anywhere. Joseph Pilates said it best in Return to Life, “Physical fitness is the first prerequisite of happiness.”

Healthy Bones Program
The Healthy Bones (HB) program is a combination of workshops and classes focused on healthy, safe movement for clients with osteopenia and osteoporosis.  Our popular, weekly HB classes are fun, safe, and challenging for those wanting to build bones of steel! In addition to modified classical Pilates exercises, emphasis is placed on maximizing strength through weight bearing exercise, improving balance and optimizing posture. You’ll leave each session taller than you arrived! Classes are taught by physical therapists and master Pilates instructors with special training in bone health.

InsideOut Body Therapies currently uses both Peak and Balanced Body Pilates equipment. Pilates equipment is versatile, allowing for many different body types, sizes, and conditions to be comfortably accommodated. We use:

  • The Reformer
  • The Cadillac or Trapeze Table
  • The Low (Wunda) Chair
  • The Ladder Barrel
  • The Foot Corrector
  • The Ped-o-Pull

The spring tension gives the body proprioceptive feedback, which in turn stimulates the gravity orientation (or postural) system in the body. Effective and appropriate stabilization and sequencing can then be trained so that these new skills are easily integrated into your daily life. Many Pilates exercises are performed lying down on the equipment which can facilitate a gentle progression from non-weight-bearing to full weight-bearing activities. When you have success with movement and a positive movement experience, you can shift the perception that movement causes pain. Working out on Pilates equipment can not only be therapeutic, it also can be extremely challenging and fun!

Pilates Equipment Classes

In order to keep the level of the class consistent and to ensure client safety, we recommends that new clients take at least one Private Pilates session before signing up for Equipment Classes. Another option includes enrolling in an Introduction to Pilates Equipment workshop.

Pilates Mat Classes

InsideOut Body Therapies also offers Pilates mat classes, in which no specialized equipment is used. Mat classes are a wonderful and economical introduction to the work and an essential component to a well-rounded Pilates practice. We offer both IN STUDIO mat classes, as well as live stream and recorded VIRTUAL mat classes.


We offer in-studio Pilates Private Sessions, Equipment and Mat classes, Physical Therapy and Rolfing Structural Integration.  We also offer live stream and recorded virtual classes and privates sessions using Zoom.  Please contact the studio to schedule or create an account on Mindbody Online by clicking the blue button on the upper right-hand corner, My Account.

Personal Training

Personal training at InsideOut Body Therapies includes TRX®, BOSU balance training, weight training, plyometrics, and outdoor speed and endurance drills. Each personal training session is tailored to your individual fitness level and goals.

TRX® Suspension Training at InsideOut Body Therapies is done on a private and semi private basis. Similar to the Pilates system, TRX® uses gravity and your own bodyweight to perform hundreds of exercises. Simple positioning and adjustments allow you to control how much you challenge yourself with each movement. TRX® incorporates an emphasis on body positioning and alignment. It is our goal to help you meet your fitness needs safely and efficiently. Call or email the studio to make an appointment.

Kim Lien instructs a class on the Pilates Reformer

Frequently Asked Questions

A: The best way to start is to contact the studio via email or telephone (919.361.0104). Many people really enjoy beginning with mat classes. Others prefer to begin with private sessions. If you are interested in equipment classes, we do ask that all participants (even at the beginning level) take at least two private sessions before attending an equipment class.

A: Bring just yourself and a water bottle to stay well hydrated. At InsideOut Body Therapies, we provide all equipment you will need for mat classes, equipment classes, and private sessions.

A: Most students are comfortable in standard workout wear such as shorts, leggings, tanks tops, tees, etc. Your clothing should be breathable and allow full range of movement, therefore, street wear such as jeans or tailored clothing is not recommended. If you are sensitive to air-conditioning, you may opt to layer a sweatshirt over a tank or tee.

A: You can sign up for most classes using our web-based scheduling system. Please sign up for privates instruction, sessions, and advanced equipment classes via email or telephone (919.361.0104).

A: For complete pricing information for Pilates classes, sessions, and private or semi-private sessions, please visit our Pricing page.

A: At InsideOut Body Therapies, we are primarily interested in helping you learn how to move more mindfully, efficiently, and in a way that makes your body simply feel better. We strive to create an atmosphere that is free of judgment about size and shape (as difficult as that can be in today’s culture) and encourage clients to deepen their understanding of themselves through movement. That being said, we are also here to help you meet your goals.

Pilates can definitely be an integral part of your overall fitness program. In the beginning, Pilates will help you build long, sleek, and strong musculature. It will also help balance the asymmetries and weaknesses in your body, making traditional cardiovascular training more effective and less likely to cause injury. If weight loss is your primary goal, we recommend that you do Pilates in conjunction with regular cardio workouts and nutritional planning. Not only will Pilates help keep your walking, running, biking, and swimming more interesting, it can increase your body awareness, helping you adapt constructively (physically and emotionally) to the healthy lifestyle changes you are making.

At its most advanced levels, Pilates practically becomes an athletic dance that trains your endurance, balance, and coordination in a unique and invigorating way.

A: As with any new exercise program, please consult with your doctor and discuss what is best for you. Pilates can provide both a gentle stretching and strengthening of your low back, legs, and arms at a time when your body may not feel like moving at all. Pilates also strengthens your pelvic floor and abdominal muscles in a unique way that is designed to increase the surface area of your abdomen allowing room for your baby to grow. Bringing awareness to the abdomen may also increase blood flow, giving more oxygen and nutrients to your developing baby. Strong abdominals will aid you in your delivery and recovery.

At InsideOut Body Therapies, Pilates workouts are designed specifically for each trimester in response to your changing body. In your first trimester, you can take a Beginning Level Pilates Mat class with a few modifications. For the second and third trimesters, duets and private sessions are available for more tailored workouts with the Pilates equipment.

Continuing your Pilates practice after you give birth can help you regain abdominal strength, pelvic floor support, and postural stability. Post-natal private sessions are a good way to transition back into Pilates classes after your baby arrives.

A: Yes! We offer gift certificates in many denominations, attractively packaged and perfect for birthdays, new moms, holidays and more. Call or email the studio to learn more. Purchase Gift Certificateds Online

InsideOut Body Therapies